Category – Xbox Cheats
Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSowing the seeds of love (10 points) – Grow your first fruit tree. Color your world (25 points) – Grow all the flowers on every level. Rainbow collection (25 points) – Collect all the bonus flowers in the game. I wanna be a rock star (20 points) – Pickup up every musician in the game at least once. Blown away (15 points) – Grow 50% of plants in “Wind Surfing”, “Kaboom!”, “Blown Away” and “Handle With Care”. Turn that thing off (10 points) – Drop a bomb on a musician. Listen to the flower people (15 points) – Re-bloom some flowers carrying 3 musicians at once. Time to hit the sack (15 points) – Hit every pollen sack in “Batteries Not Included”, “Zap!” and “Into the Machine”. Happy Birthday to Me (20 points) – Complete “Grab Hold”, “Watch Out, They Spit”, and “Hold on Tight” in under 20 minutes. Let’s clear the air (15 points) – Clear most of the smog in the smoggy levels. The Devil wears Produce (20 points) – Hold a musician, heavy fruit, lantern fruit, and explosive fruit while wearing red horns. Someone set us up the bomb (10 points) – Drop a bomb on the second player in a co-op game.
“Ludwig Pack” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKIt’s the journey that counts 15 (points) – Successfully complete “Horn of Plenty” either alone or with a friend. The UnderGardener 15 (points) – Successfully complete “The Sum of all Things”, either alone or with a friend. A very good year 20 (points) – Collect 17 crystals in the game.