Category – Xbox Cheats
“Memory Lane” achievement hint:The object for the achievement is the red rocket ship door/hatch behind the game machine in the basement.”Mmm… Cheese” achievement hint:Eat a free sample for the cheese shop to unlock this achievement.”Snail Whisperer” achievement hint:For this achievement, show the snail to everyone in town before you show Mrs. Fritz next door.”Bee Pleaser” achievement hint:To unlock this achievement, put the following flowers into the Pollinator:-Flowers from the cellar.-Yellow flowers.-Purple pansies from the news paper shop. Note: You must put the first pot of purple pansies in Mrs. Fritz garden next door. Simply go back to the news stand and ask the lady for another pot of pansies for the Pollinator. You get the purple flowers from the town square. You must get an event at the newspaper stand with the old lady where you have to play a “Verb” mini-game. Make sure you select “Mild” and “Gentleman” as the last two choices and there are four total.-The Monster flowers that you grow in your yard with miracle mussel formula. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAct 1 – Breakfast Wrangler (20 points) – Complete Act 1.Act 2 – Ton o’ Honey (20 points) – Complete Act 2.Act 3 – Buzz Cutter (20 points) – Complete Act 3.Act 4 – Queenly Bearing (20 points) – Complete Act 4.Get Cracking (15 points) – Hear Wallace say this phrase in four of its instances.Snail Whisperer (15 points) – Give the entire cast a glance at a gastropod.Crack Shot (15 points) – Get through the “shooting gallery” without missing a target.Bee Pleaser (15 points) – Offer the bees inside of the Pollenator every type of flower.Yee-Oww! (15 points) – Get stung by three different bees.No Go Gorgonzola (15 points) – Make it through Act 3 without touching the Gorgonzola.Mmm… Cheese (15 points) – Eat this episode’s “mystery cheese”.Memory Lane (15 points) – Find an object from Wallace and Gromit?s first movie.