Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockable weapons:Unlock the following weapons by completing the game on the corresponding difficulties:WEAPONS – HOW TO UNLOCKPrimary weapons – Complete the game on recruit difficulty.Secondary weapons – Complete the game on contractor difficulty.Basic weapons – Complete the game on professional difficulty.All Other weapons – Complete the game on operative difficulty.Professional difficulty:To unlock Professional difficulty, complete the game on Recruit or Contractor difficulty.Surviving a fall:To survive a big fall, press Y to roll and you will not get hurt.Easy money in China mission:You can earn easy money in the China mission by completing the first objective for $30,000. Then, quit and reload the mission for another $30,000. You may have to walk back down the mountain to get the money. Repeat as desired.Switch characters anytime in campaign mode:To switch characters anytime in Campaign mode, at the campaign menu, select “Start New Campaign”. Select a character, go back to the campaign menu, and select “Continue Campaign” to start with the character you selected.Intel briefcase locations:You will get money for picking up the briefcases. Each briefcase can only be collected once. Pause the game and select the “Objective” option to check how many briefcases you have collected for the current level.AfghanistanBehind the first M-11 missile is a small path going uphill. Follow it to find the briefcase.Kill the first heavy armor guard you encounter. After the intermission sequence, search the nearby platform area. The briefcase is on top of a short set of stairs at the back end of the platform. Next to Brian Hick’s cell.IraqAt the bottom of the ladder before taking out Ali Youseff’s helicopter.Call in the air-strike on a nearby bunker, and search for a large tent near the dividing wall. The briefcase is against the wall near the tent.Just before meeting Ali Youseff you will see metal platforms with armed guards. Kill all of the guards then climb up the steps to the platform’s second level. Climb another ladder to the third level to find the briefcase.Aircraft carrierLand on the ship’s main platform.To the right of the control tower is the briefcase.Enter the hangar to use one of the parked planes to blow through a door and look behind some missiles to find the briefcase.After setting the missiles to blow up the ship in the final hangar, search until you find a makeshift basketball court. The briefcase is behind the far basketball hoop.ChinaGo to the dam and move towards the first control tower. The briefcase is across the dam is another control tower.Go to the village and co-op snipe some enemies. Follow the rightmost path. Enter the first house you can explore and search the second floor for the briefcase.Outside and behind the factory is the briefcase.MiamiOpen the gates to the luggage area then go to the control room. In the smaller office near the control room is the briefcase.On the third floor of the SSC Tower on the far end is the briefcase.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAlright, Who Wants Some? (20) – Kill 250 enemies total using SMGs.Beast with Two Fronts (20) – Kill 50 enemies total in Back-to-Back.Big Boom! Big Bada Boom! (20) – Kill 25 enemies total using RPGs.Boots on the Ground (10) – Finish playing a versus ranked match.Dead Man’s Hand (20) – Kill 150 enemies total using Handguns.Elite PMC (50) – Complete all missions as a Professional.Fear is The Mind Killer (45) – Spend 1 minute straight at full Aggro.Field Medic (30) – Drag and heal your partner 25 times.Fission Mailed (20) – Kill 25 Martyrs by shooting the Bomb Packs on their chests.Flip You. Flip You For Real (20) – Kill 50 enemies total using the Melee Attack.If I Were a Rich Man (40) – Earn one million dollars in total over the course of campaign mode.If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It (30) – Kill 25 Heavy Armor enemies.L’Abattoir (30) – Kill 100 enemies while in the power mode of Overkill.Man of Many Masks (50) – Purchase every mask variant.My Kind of Case! (40) – Collect all of the information cases in the entire game.My Virtual Friend (35) – Complete all missions with the Partner AI.One Gun is Enough (35) – Win a ranked match without purchasing any additional weapons.One Shot. One Kill. (20) – Kill 100 enemies total using Sniper Rifles.Out of Debt (15) – Heal your partner for the first time. Training does not count.Retirement Savings Plan (40) – Earn one billion dollars in total in ranked matches.Running Man (30) – Kill 75 enemies while in the stealth mode of Overkill.Say Hello to my Little Friends (45) – Purchase the MP7, M134, DAO-X Protecta, MGL MK-X, and the M107 Light Fifty.Seven-six-two Millimeter (20) – Kill 250 enemies total using Assault Rifles.Spray and Pray (20) – Kill 250 enemies total using Machine Guns.Starting a Riot (30) – Kill 50 enemies total in Co-op Riot Shield.Stonewall (30) – Kill 30 enemies using the Riot Shield melee attackSurviving The Game (25) – Complete a ranked match without ever needing to be revived.The Devil’s in the Details (20) – Complete 20 minor objectives in a ranked match.This is my Boom Stick! (20) – Kill 250 enemies total using Shotguns.Two Eyes are Better Than One (35) – Kill 5 enemies total using Co-op Snipe.Weapon Specialist (15) – Purchase 3 weapons.Mission 1 Complete (30 points) – Completed Mission 1 as Contractor or higher. Mission 2 Complete (30 points) – Completed Mission 2 as Contractor or higher. Mission 3 Complete (15 points) – Completed Mission 3 as Contractor or higher. Mission 4 Complete (15 points) – Completed Mission 4 as Contractor or higher. Mission 5 Complete (15 points) – Completed Mission 5 as Contractor or higher. Mission 6 Complete (15 points) – Completed Mission 6 as Contractor or higher.”Veteran Map Pack” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKThat’s right. Who’s laughing now (15 points) – Buy the “Pack 8” gun pack in a multiplayer ranked match. Arnold Braunschweiger (20 points) – Destroy 300 destructible objects in Mission 7 and 8. I promise to kill you last (30 points) – Kill Dalton in less than 40 seconds. I wanna be a cleaner (25 points) – Final blow to Dalton is a headshot with a pimped .44 model 29 handgun. Mission 7 Complete (30 points) – Complete Mission 7 on the Professional difficulty. Mission 8 Complete (30 points) – Complete Mission 8 on the Professional difficulty. “SSC Challenge Map Pack” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKBarrel SSC Challenger (25) – Destroy 500 barrels in ranked SSC Challenge matches.SSC Challenge Marksman (25) – Achieve 75% accuracy at the conclusion of a ranked three round SSC Challenge match.SSC Challenge Win (25) – Win a ranked SSC Challenge match.True SSC Challenger (25) – Win every stage of a ranked three round SSC Challenge match.