Category – Xbox Cheats
Player awards:Unlock the following awards by performing the corresponding tasks: AWARD – HOW TO UNLOCKThe Real Ghostbuster – Trap or destroy the most ghosts.Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghost – Get the least amount of knockouts.Medic – Most revivals of teammates.Most Revived – Most times revived by a teammate.Marathon Runner – Longest total distance traveled in the match.Slowpoke – Shortest total distance traveled in the match.Slime Magnet – Most times slimed.Rollin In Dough – Most cash earned in the match.Broke – Least cash earned in the match.Tech Head – Most power-ups collected in the match.Purist – Fewest power-ups collected in the match.Itchy Trigger Finger – First Person to shoot in the round.Nice Shootin Tex – Highest accuracy with the Proton beam including the Boson Dart.Light Show – Lowest accuracy with the Proton beam including the Boson Dart.Dead Aim – Most ghosts hit with the Meson Collider including alternate fire.Darkest Matter – Most ghosts hit with the Shock Blast including the Stasis beam.Ghosticle – Most ghosts frozen with the Stasis Beam.Slimer – Most shots with the Slime Blower including the Slime Tether.Befriender – Most ghosts turned into good guys with Pink Slime.Duckin and Dodgin – Most dodges and jumps.Slammer – Most wrangled ghost slams.Long Time Wrangler – Longest ghost wrangle.Demolitions Man – Most ghosts damaged in a single explosion.Keeping An Eye Out – Longest period of time in PKE goggle view.My Ghosts My Trap – Most ghosts trapped in your own trap.We Came We Saw – First person to trap 10 ghosts.Destruction Master – Most Evil Relics destroyed.Smashy Smashy – First player to destroy 10 Evil Relics.Blink Out – Most ghosts eliminated by destroying Evil Relics.Rampager – Shortest period of time between destroying two Evil Relics.Soul Survivor – Longest run without getting knocked out.Team Savior – Revived each teammate at least once.First Death – First knockout of the round.Commando – Highest ghost defeat to player knockout ratio.MVP – Most points in Slime Dunk.Slimer Wrangler – Longest amount of time wrangling Slimer.Slimer Dodger – Least number of times knocked down by Slimer.Gloop Dreams – First person to perform 5 Slime Dunks in the match.Best Rescuer – Most Artifacts returned to the safe zone.First Rescuer – First player to destroy an Artifact thief.Red Handed – The player who destroys the most Artifact thieves.True Protector – Trap three ghosts in a row while the active PKE Disruptor remains undamaged.Comeback Kid – Trap three ghosts in “Sudden Death”.Vendetta – Be the first to destroy or capture a ghost after it has damaged a PKE Disruptor. Player ranks:The following are the player ranks in order: Intern GhostbusterRookieGreenhornSupernatural InvestigatorNovice GhostbusterParanormal ExaminerSlime CollectorSpook SpotterSpirit TrapperGhostbusterProton SlingerSlimer SnaggerPhantom BlasterEcto ExterminatorElite GhostbusterWraith WranglerSoul HunterSpecter SlayerDefender of New YorkGhostbuster of the YearMost Wanted Ghost locations:Library (Reading Room, Basement Stacks, Twisted Stacks)GHOST – TASKThe Book Of Pain – Complete a job in any library level.Captain Of The Guard – Capture the book of pain, and kill 20 paper enemies.Olga The Terrible – Capture the captain of the guard, and complete five jobs in the library.Dredge – Capture olga the terrible, and complete 10 library thief jobs.Times Square (Streets, Office, Rooftops)GHOST – TASKSmelly Ned – Complete five containments in the times square maps.Dolnasky – Capture smelly ned, and collect 50 power-ups.Grimgreave – Capture dolnasky, and kill 20 gargoyles and/or cherubs using slams.Binky – Capture grimgreave, and complete 10 survivals on the times square maps.Museum (Rotunda, Mayan, Egypt)GHOST – TASKGrundel – Complete five museum protections.Sharpshooter Bailey – Capture grundel and 15 civil war ghosts.The Maestro – Capture sharpshooter bailey and complete 10 museum survival jobs.Grand Pappy Sargassi – Capture the maestro and complete 15 jobs on the museum levels.Cemetery (Graveyard, Altar, Lost Temple)GHOST – TASKMad Mad Minimo – Earn $50,000 in any cemetery job in a single match.The Darkest – Capture Mad Mad Minimo and kill 15 Black Slime monsters.The Clawed Menace – Capture the darkest and kill 50 cemetery crawlers.The Uprising – Capture the clawed menace, and complete 10 survival jobs in the cemetery.Any level except for Slime DunkGHOST – TASKRotten Slimer – Capture 10 slimers.Wee Slimer – Capture rotten slimer, and win at least three slime dunks.Polar Slimer – Capture wee slimer, and achieve 20 slime dunks on each of the slime dunk maps.Glutton Slimer – Capture polar slimer, and complete 60 jobs.Fountain Locations:The fountains can be found in the following locations:FOUNTAIN – LOCATIONFountain 1 – At the firehouse.Fountain 2 – After you enter the Sedgewick Hotel, the soda machine room on your right.Fountain 3 – After the water drains from the hallway but before you reach the Sargassi Lounge, the corner of the elevator lobby.Fountain 4 – In the laundromat Zeddemore breaks into at Times Square. By the cursed artifact, pushing bone, in the back room.Fountain 5 – After the cut-scene of Hoss and Stanz and the two office workers in the elevator at Times Square, you will be at the architectural office. The fountain is at the corner of the hall.Fountain 6 – In the Public Library hallway leading to the juvenile reading room.Fountain 7 – After the Egyptian and Mummification exhibits at the Museum, Venkman will spring out to surprise Hoss and Zeddemore in a maintenance hallway. The fountain is there, right next to the Azatoth Head artifact.Fountain 8 – When revisiting the Sedgewick, you need to turn the power back on at the generator room. The fountain is in the generator room.NES Ghostbusters reference:Look at one of the monitors on a desk upstairs at the Ghostbusters’ headquarters. You can see the ending screen from Ghostbusters on the NES.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKWe Came, We Saw… (50 points) – Beat the game on “Casual” or “Experienced” difficulty.Are You A God? (100 points) – Beat the game on “Professional” difficulty.Slam Dunk! (15 points) – Slam dunk a ghost into a trap.Slime Dunk! (15 points) – Trap a ghost using the Slime Tether.Stasis Dunk! (15 points) – Trap a ghost using the Stasis Stream.I Ain’t ‘Fraid of No Ghost! (10 points) – Trap a ghost.Aim for the Flat Top! (10 points) – Eliminate a creature.Heat ‘Em Up (20 points) – Purchase all upgrades for the Proton Gun.Mother Pus Bucket! (20 points) – Purchase all upgrades for the Slime Gun.We be fast! They be slow! (20 points) – Purchase all upgrades for the Dark Matter Generator.I Don’t Want My Face Burned Off (20 points) – Purchase all upgrades for the Meson Collider.We Have the Tools! (40 points) – Purchase all available equipment upgrades.The Destructor (30 points) – Beat the game with more than $3,000,000 in property damage.Nice Shootin’, Tex! (30 points) – Beat the game with less than $100,000 in property damage….And You Want to Keep It? (20 points) – Collect a Cursed Artifact.Spores, Molds, and Fungus (40 points) – Collect all Cursed Artifacts.I’m Picking Up A Signal… (20 points) – Get a 100% PKE scan on a paranormal creature.Back Off Man. I’m a Scientist (40 points) – Get 100% PKE scans for every paranormal creature.I’m a Ghostbuster, Not a Doctor! (20 points) – Revive your teammates 20 times.I Feel So Funky (5 points) – Get slimed by a charging ghost.Total Protonic Reversal (5 points) – Knock yourself down with your own weapon.You Gotta Try This Pole! (5 points) – Slide down the fire pole.It’s Slime Time (20 points) – Use the Slime Tether on 15 ghosts.I Looked at the Trap, Ray! (20 points) – Recover 20 of your own full ghost traps.Kosher! (10 points) – Remedy a dubious food choice to make the bar mitzvah as orthodox as it can be.I Love You When You Rough-House! (10 points) – The tidy arcitectural office could use some Proton-based humbling.But the Kids Love Us! (20 points) – The children’s reading room has a story to tell, but it will take more than your eyes to see it.You Never Studied (10 points) – Keep your ears open to learn everything you can about the Civil War.I’ve Quit Better Jobs Than This. (20 points) – Clean up the coat room.Hedgebuster (10 points) – The hedge maze is a real eyesore; do some Protonic pruning.One down, on the Ground! (20 points) – Airborne coffins are an affront to gravity; use your Proton Pack to avenge Mother Nature.Ghostbusters Drinking Game (40 points) – Quench your thirst wherever possible to avoid being scared spitless.Loans Paid Off (10 points) – More than $100,000 earned in Xbox LIVE.On the Payroll (10 points) – Successfully complete one Xbox LIVE campaign.Egon’s Guinea Pig (10 points) – Use one of every pickup.Payday! (10 points) – Be the overall top earner in each Xbox LIVE campaign setting.It’s a Living (10 points) – Trap over 50 ghosts in your Xbox LIVE Ghostbusting career.Wanted! (10 points) – Defeat three Most Wanted Ghosts.Employee of the Month (10 points) – Be top earner in each Xbox LIVE job type.No Job Too Big (10 points) – Defeat all Most Wanted Ghosts.Gozer’s Most Wanted (15 points) – Successfully complete each Xbox LIVE job in every location.Overachiever (15 points) – Get $2,500,000 in Xbox LIVE, over 30 post-job awards, and 50 jobs completed. We Have the Talent! (20 points) – Beat the Firehouse training level.The Flowers are Still Standing! (20 points) – Beat the “Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick” level.Once S’more into the Breach (20 points) – Beat the “Panic in Times Square” level.Get Her! (20 points) – Beat the “Checking Out the Library” level.Ghost Fever Grips New York (20 points) – Beat the “Museum of (Super)Natural History” level.Somebody Saw a Cockroach on 12 (20 points) – Beat the “Return to the Sedgewick” level.Let Me Guess, Gozer Worshippers (20 points) – Beat the “Lost Island Rising” level.Disaster of Biblical Proportions (20 points) – Beat the “Central Park Cemetery” level.