Category – Xbox Cheats
Completion bonuses:To unlock the ability to replay any mission, view intermission sequences, and toggle help messages, first complete Story mode. Then, go to Blackfoot Territory(the first area in the game) and find the boulder that leads up to a ledge and a gap. While riding a horse, jump on the left side of the boulder and use your spurs until you land. Go onto the ledge and across the following two areas. Stand in between the two rocks in the water and hold LT RT A until you hear a sound play. Then, press Start and go to the Options screen. A new option titled “Gun” will appear from which you can replay any mission, view intermission sequences, and toggle help messages.To unlock Magruder’s seven barrel Nock gun, complete Story mode.To unlock Reed’s armored horse and Magruder’s Cannon Nock gun, complete Story mode and all side missions with a 100% game completion. Note: If the horse becomes lost, it will return to the mine.Unlockables:Unlock the following bonuses by performing the corresponding tasks:BONUS – HOW TO UNLOCK.69 Ferguson Rifle – Defeat HollisterApache Shirt – Beat the Hunting missionsCavalry Sword – Defeat ReedDual Peacemakers – Defeat Hoodoo BrownSilver Spurs – Beat the Pony Express missionsInfinite health:To get infinite health, go to the Indian Hunter’s hut. At the building to the left of the hut, go up the first set of stairs and continue heading straight. Jump onto the spout and and walk toward the wall of the building. You should go through the wall and into the house. Inside, there are three bottles of whiskey on the ground. They can be picked up as many times as desired.Unlimited ammo stash:To uncover a hidden ammo stash, take a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine and then go to the abandoned house where the Buffalo graze. Go to the back of the house and place the TNT barrel on the left side of the chimney. Blow it up to open a hole in the ground that contains ammo for all weapons. The ammo will continually respawn each time you leave the area.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKAmbush The Train Complete – Beat the Ambush The Train level.Battle At The Steamboat Complete – Beat the Attack The Fort level.Escape The Ambush Complete – Beat the Escape The Ambush level.Every Upgrade Collected – Collect all upgrades.Every Weapon Collected – Collect all weapons.Hollister’s Fort Complete – Beat the Hollister’s Fort level.Honest Tom Complete – Beat the Honest Tom level.Insane Difficulty Complete – Beat the game on the Insane difficulty setting.Keeper Of The Peace – Beat the Keep the Peace Side mission.Law And Order Complete – Beat the Law And Order level.Normal Difficulty Complete – Beat the game on the Normal difficulty setting.Professional Postman – Beat all Pony Express side missions.Professional Prospector – Mine all gold ingots in the West.Quick Killer Complete – Beat the Quick Killer level.Take Down Hoodoo Complete – Beat the Take Down Hoodoo level.The Hunt Complete – Beat the Hunt level.