Category – Xbox Cheats
Infinite money:To get unlimited money, beat any mission while earning as little money as possible. Then, save the game and replay the same mission. This time, earn as much money as possible and create a save point just before you escape from the level. After escaping, press B to return to the first screen and then press Y to replay the mission again. A message will appear that says your progress will be lost, but ignore it. You will retain your save points and account balance. When the mission begins, load the save point that you created, and escape from the level. The money you earned in that mission will be added to your account balance again. Repeat as desired.Infinite saves:To save a mission without losing a save, press Start before the “Save Complete” message appears. Note: this only works on Normal and Expert difficulty.Free intel:To get free intel, at the start of a mission purchase all of the intel. Make note of what the intel contained and restart the mission. You will retain your original starting money and all of the intel will be available for purchase again.Alternate background:To unlock an alternate background for the main menu, beat the game.Alternate ending:To receive an alternate ending sequence, while the credits are rolling in the last level “Requiem”, press Left Analog-stick Up and Down repeatedly. You will come back to life and your mission will be to leave no witnesses.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKFirst Mission Complete (25 points) – Beat the “Death Of A Show Man” mission.Rookie Mode Complete (25 points) – Beat the game on Rookie.Normal Mode Complete (50 points) – Beat the game on Normal.Expert Mode Complete (75 points) – Beat the game on the Expert.Professional Mode Complete (150 points) – Beat the game on Professional.Silent Assassin (25 points) – Get a Silent Assassin rating.Normal Silent Assassins (25 points) – Get five Silent Assassin ratings on Normal.Expert Silent Assassins (50 points) – Get five Silent Assassin ratings on the Expert.Professional Silent Assassins (100 points) – Get five Silent Assassin ratings on Professional.Fully Customized Silverballers (25 points) – Purchase all custom Silverballer components.Fully Customized SMG Tactical (25 points) – Purchase all custom SMG Tactical components.Fully Customized SP12 Shotgun (25 points) – Purchase all custom Shotgun components.Fully Customized M4 (25 points) – Purchase all custom M4 components.Fully Customized W2000 Sniper (25 points) – Purchase all custom W2000 components.All Firearms Collected (100 points) – Collect all firearms and have them displayed in Hideout.Unlock Tier 2 Kruger Schmidt (5 points) – Unlock Tier 2 of the Kruger Schmidt upgrade shop.Unlock Tier 3 Kruger Schmidt (15 points) – Unlock Tier 3 of the Kruger Schmidt upgrade shop.Unlock Tier 4 Kruger Schmidt (20 points) – Unlock Tier 4 of the Kruger Schmidt upgrade shop.Accidents Do Happen… (20 points) – Perform a successful accident kill.47 Kills In A Mission (20 points) – Beat a mission with exactly 47 kills.Notorious (20 points) – 47 is the World’s Most Wanted.Redemption (50 points) – At the end of the game, rapidly flick the Left Analog-stick in any direction while lying on your death bed. When you wake up, kill everybody.High Roller (50 points) – Earn $5 million.Special Rating (50 points) – Get 10 head shots.?