Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:
To access the cheat code entry screen, at the main menu, while holding
LB RB LT RT press Down, Up, Y, X, Down(2), Y(2). A “Cheat” option
will now display at the main menu. To activate the following cheats,
enter the corresponding case-sensitive codes at the “Cheat” option.
Note: The codes do not work while playing as King Kong:
Level select – “KKst0ry”
Invincibility – “8wonder” (Note: You will still take damage, but cannot
die except from a high fall or fire. This code must be re-activated at
the start of each new level.)
One-hit kills – “GrosBras”
Refill ammo – “KK 999 mun”
Infinite spears – “lance 1nf” (Note: To get the spears, press reload.)
Revolver – “KKtigun”
Shotgun – “KKsh0tgun”
Machine Gun – “KKcapone”
Sniper Rifle – “KKsn1per”
Bonuses completed – “KKmuseum”
Various unlockables:
To unlock the following bonuses, perform the corresponding tasks:
Old Movie Filter option – Get a 15% game completion.
High Contrast Filter option – Get a 100% game completion.
Horizontal Flip option – Get a 100% game completion and then obtain an online code for your game at
Artwork gallery – Beat the game.
Weta Artworks: Environments Part 1 – Get a 5% game completion.
Weta Artworks: Environments Part 2 – Get a 25% game completion and obtain an online code for your game at
Weta Artworks: Environments Part 3 – Score 50,000 points and a get a 100% game completion.
Weta Artworks: Creatures – Get a 50% game completion.
Weta Artworks: Kong Part 1 – Get a 75% game completion.
Weta Artworks: Kong Part 2 – Score 20,000 points and a get a 100% game completion.
Weta Artworks: Kong Part 3 – Score 100,000 points and a get a 100% game completion.
Weta Artworks: Kong Part 4 – Score 150,000 points and a get a 100% game completion.
Peter Jackson interview – Score 75,000 points and a get a 100% game completion.
Philippa Boyens interview – Score 200,000 points and get a 100% game
completion. Then, obtain the online code for your game at
Save Kong alternate ending sequence – Score 250,000 points and a get a 100% game completion.
Spears and bones:
To cause more damage with spears and bones, light them on fire.
Killing small dinosaurs:
To skill smaller dinosaurs such as the Velociraptor, throw a spear in its neck or head.
Killing Venatosauruses:
To easily kill Venatosauruses when they are by bushes, throw a fire spear or bone at the bushes to burn it to death.
Stun V-Rexes:
To stun the V-Rexes with Kong, press Y and then A towards the V-Rex.
Foodchain Master (100 points) – Jack uses the foodchain system to escape certain death.
Protector (100 points) – Jack protects his friends from getting harmed.
Pyromaniac (100 points) – Jack uses fire to scare off enemies and get out of harm’s way.
King Of Demolition (100 points) – Kong destroys the village of the natives.
King Of Skull Island (100 points) – Kong kills the giant snakes.
King Of The V-Rexes (100 points) – Kong has killed numerous V-Rexes.
V-Rex Annihilator (100 points) – Kong has killed numerous V-Rexes.
King Of The Jungle (100 points) – Kong imposes his supremacy over the inhabitants of the jungle.
Completed game (200 points) – Beat the game.