Category – Xbox Cheats
Avatar Awards:To unlock the following Avatar Awards, perform the corresponding tasks:AVATAR AWARD – HOW TO UNLOCKBull Shifters Shirt – Win ten games of Versus.Depeche Mode Shirt – Rescue Gnome Chompski from the Dark Carnival.Left 4 Dead 2 Shirt – Win ten games of Scavenge.Med Kit – Beat all five campaigns.Zombie Hand Shirt – Kill 10,000 Infected. Special Infected tips:Kill the following special infected by using the corresponding strategies:Boomer: Shoot it in the stomach while keeping your distance.Charger: Get close to it to prevent it from charging, and then it will only be able to inflict one melee damage.Hunter: When it is in its pouncing position, use a shotgun to push it back, then shoot it in the head.Jockey: Get into a huddle with your teammates to prevent it from launching at you, and wait for it to appear. Have all teammates shoot the Jockey at the same time.Smoker: Get close to it to prevent it from using its tongue to grab survivors from far distances.Spitter: Shoot at the head, and dodge when it spits.Tank: Go to higher ground, and shoot at it while dodging it. In Co-op mode, use a grenade launcher for a frontal assault while your teammates fire at its back with shotguns. Alternately, do not try to deal any damage to the Tank, but instead hide somewhere and let the survivor A.I. kill it.Quick healing:To quickly heal yourself, use an adrenaline shot and then use your medkit.”Eat Your Brains” song:To play the song “Eat Your Brains” in Swamp Fever – Level 1, go to the bar in the abandoned town. It can be played on the Jukebox.Jump kills:You can kill zombies by jumping on them. When on a high ledge (any high point where you can jump over Infected) and there are infected below you, drop down on top of them and they will die.Survive giant swarms:Find a corner and have a melee weapon equipped. Hold RB and aim at approaching zombies. Note: You may get hit a few times.”Swamp Fever: Shanty Town” Easy win at drawbridge horde glitch:When you get to the part of the small drawbridge and you start lowering it, walk on it anyways. The bridge will stop lowering. It does so every time you step on it. Wait until the bridge is slanted perfectly with the roof of the building overhead so that it acts as a ramp. Once so, you can now cross and can get on top of this roof. The zombies approach from only the corner of the building, allowing you to pick each one off. This is a better way to conserve health at this point.Move backwards off map glitch:Grab a gas tank and any gun besides a grenade launcher. Go to a ledge that is high up, such as the heli-pad in the bridge finale of The Parish. Stand about five feet away from the gas tank. Shoot it and immediately tap Y rapidly. You should be moving slowly backwards non-stop. Not even leaving the map will stop you.”Dead Center: Level 2″: Weapon descriptions:Enter the gun shop to get a detailed description of all weapons (except for the grenade launcher). How to defeat Hunters or Jockeys:Use the shove move on a Hunter while he is jumping at you to push him back, therefore preventing him from landing on you. Doing this for the Jockey works as well. However it does not work for a Charger who is running, a Witch, or Tank.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKPrice Chopper (20 points) – Survive the Dead Center campaign.Midnight Rider (20 points) – Survive the Dark Carnival campaign.Ragin’ Cajun (20 points) – Survive the Swamp Fever campaign.Weatherman (20 points) – Survive the Hard Rain campaign.Bridge Burner (20 points) – Survive the Parish campaign.Still Something To Prove (35 points) – Survive all campaigns on Expert.The Real Deal (35 points) – Survive a campaign on Expert skill with Realism mode enabled.Confederacy Of Crunches (30 points) – Finish a campaign using only melee weapons.Head Honcho (15 points) – Decapitate 200 Infected with a melee weapon.Club Dead (15 points) – Use every melee weapon to kill Common Infected.Chain Of Command (15 points) – Kill 100 Common Infected with the chainsaw.Tank Burger (30 points) – Kill a Tank with melee weapons.Shock Jock (30 points) – Revive 10 dead Survivors with the defibrillator.The Quick And The Dead (30 points) – Revive 10 incapacitated Survivors while under the speed-boosting effects of adrenaline.Armory Of One (15 points) – Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it.Burning Sensation (15 points) – Ignite 50 Common Infected with incendiary ammo.Dismemberment Plan (20 points) – Kill 15 Infected with a single grenade launcher blast.Septic Tank (15 points) – Use a bile bomb on a Tank.Crass Menagerie (20 points) – Kill one of each Uncommon Infected.Dead In The Water (20 points) – Kill 10 swampy Mudmen while they are in the water.Robbed Zombie (15 points) – Collect 10 vials of Boomer vomit from infected CEDA agents you have killed.Cl0wnd (15 points) – Honk the noses of 10 Clowns.Fried Piper (15 points) – Using a Molotov, burn a Clown leading at least 10 Common Infected.Level A Charge (15 points) – Kill a Charger with a melee weapon while they are charging.Acid Reflex (15 points) – Kill a Spitter before she is able to spit.A Ride Denied (15 points) – Kill a Jockey within 2 seconds of it jumping on a Survivor.Stache Whacker (15 points) – Prove you are faster than Moustachio.Gong Show (15 points) – Prove you are stronger than Moustachio.Guardin’ Gnome (30 points) – Rescue Gnome Chompski from the Carnival.Wing And A Prayer (30 points) – Defend yourself at the crashed airliner without taking damage.Sob Story (30 points) – Navigate the sugar mill and reach the safe room without killing any Witches.Violence In Silence (30 points) – Navigate the impound lot and reach the cemetary safe room without tripping any alarms.Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter (30 points) – Cross the bridge finale in less than three minutes.Heartwarmer (20 points) – In a Versus round, leave the saferoom to defibrillate a dead teammate.Strength In Numbers (15 points) – Form a team and beat an enemy team in 4v4 Versus or Scavenge.Qualified Ride (15 points) – As the Jockey, ride a Survivor for more than 12 seconds.Back In The Saddle (15 points) – As the Jockey, ride the Survivors twice in a single life.Rode Hard, Put Away Wet (20 points) – As the Jockey, ride a Survivor and steer them into a Spitter’s acid patch.Great Expectorations (15 points) – As the Spitter, hit every Survivor with a single acid patch.A Spittle Help From My Friends (15 points) – As the Spitter, spit on a Survivor being choked by a Smoker.Scattering Ram (20 points) – As the Charger, bowl through the entire enemy team in a single charge.Meat Tenderizer (20 points) – As the Charger, grab a Survivor and smash them into the ground for a solid 15 seconds.Long Distance Carrier (15 points) – As the Charger, grab a Survivor and carry them over 80 feet.Beat The Rush (15 points) – In a Survival round, get a medal only using melee weapons.Hunting Party (15 points) – Win a game of Scavenge.Gas Guzzler (20 points) – Collect 100 gas cans in Scavenge.Cache And Carry (20 points) – Collect 15 gas cans in a single Scavenge round.Scavenge Hunt (15 points) – Stop the enemy team from collecting any gas cans during a Scavenge round.Fuel Crisis (15 points) – Make a Survivor drop a gas can during overtime.Gas Shortage (20 points) – Cause 25 gas can drops as a Special Infected.”The Passing” achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKTorch Bearer (20 points) – Survive The Passing Campaign. Wedding Crasher (30 points) – As the Charger, grab a Survivor and crash them through 8 chairs at the wedding. Til It Goes Click (20 points) – Using the M60, kill 25 infected without letting go of the trigger. Grave Robber (25 points) – Collect 10 items dropped by a Fallen Survivor. Mutant Overlord (30 points) – Play 6 Mutations. Fore! (25 points) – Knock off the heads of 18 infected with the golf club. Killing ‘Em Swiftly To This Song (20 points) – Play the new Midnight Riders song on a jukebox. Kite Like A Man (30 points) – Kill a Tank only with damage from the original Survivors. Cache Grab (20 points) – Open 5 foot lockers. Port Of Scavenge (30 points) – Play 5 full games of Scavenge on The Port points.”The Sacrifice” achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSupreme Sacrifice (50 points) – Complete “The Sacrifice”. Kill Bill (50 points) – Have Bill sacrifice himself for the team. Barrel Rolled (50 points) – Kill a Special Infected with an exploding barrel. Chaos Generator (50 points) – Have all 3 generators running at once in “The Sacrifice” finale. Sacrifizzle (50 points) – As a Special Infected, incap someone who is trying to sacrifice themselves.