Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by pausing the game and entering the corresponding sequences of buttons. Note: These only work in Campaign mode on Easy difficulty, and must be re-activated at the start of each new level:CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODEInfinite health – Down(3), Up, Y, Up, Y, Up, Y, Up(3), Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Left, Y, Right, X, Left, Y, Right, X, RB LB.Infinite ammunition – RT, RB, Y, X, Right, Down, Left, LB, LT, RT, RB, Y, X, Right, Down, Left, LB, LT, RT, LT, LB, RB, Y, Left, Down, X, RB LB.500 Thermal Energy points – Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, RB LB.Control intermission sequence view:To control the camera angle during an intermission sequence, press B, A, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, X, Y.Control ending sequence:To control Wayne’s LP-9999 VS, before “Test Player” appears during the ending sequence, hold LT LB RT RB X Y B. You can fly to the destroyed Akrid.Extreme difficulty:To unlock Extreme difficulty, complete the game.Multiplayer characters:Unlock the following characters by reaching the corresponding levels in Multiplayer mode:CHARACTER – LEVELGale – Level 45Hero – Level 75NEVEC – Level 55Stranger – Level 30 Multiplayer costumes:Unlock the following costumes by reaching the corresponding levels in Multiplayer mode:COSTUME – LEVELBasic costumes – Level 1Third pattern for basic costumes – Level 10Third pattern for Gale – Level 50Third pattern for Hero – Level 80Third pattern for NEVEC – Level 65Third pattern for Stranger – Level 35Fourth pattern for basic costumes – Level 20Fourth pattern for Gale – Level 60Fourth pattern for Hero – Level 85Fourth pattern for NEVEC – Level 70Fourth pattern for Stranger – Level 40 Taunting:To perform a taunt in Multiplayer mode, press Up, Left, Right, and Down. The following characters have the corresponding unique taunts:CHARACTER – TAUNTBasic character #1 (pointed ears) – HumpingBasic character #2 (big helmet) – BowsBasic character #3 – Butt slapNEVEC – Soldier stanceSoldier – ClapsStranger – Holds out his armYuri – KneelsVS invincibility:To become invincible for about five seconds, go to the nearest VS. This is useful when under heavy fire and need to restore you health using Thermal Energy.Anchor distance tip:To throw the anchor slightly further, press A X instead of just X.Unlockable characters:Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding actions:CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKJoe – Complete any mission. Hold X to select Joe at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Joe has the movement speed of 90% of Wayne, 1,500 health, and has the Viewtiful Joe VFX mode slow motion ability activated by pressing RB. Frank – Become a moth hunter. Hold Y to select Frank at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Frank has the movement speed of 80% of Wayne, 2,000 health, and is equipped with a flame thrower. Mega Man – Get at least two target marks. Hold X Y to select Mega Man at the mission selection screen in single player mode. In multi-player mode he will appear with the other characters. Mega Man has normal movement speed, normal health, does not require Thermal Energy to survive, and has an Energy Gun that requires Thermal Energy to fire. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKMission 01 Cleared (10 points) – Beat Mission 01Worm Hunter (50 points) – Defeat the giant worm.Moth Hunter (50 points) – Defeat the giant moth.”EARTH” Explorer (10 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 01.Ace Medal (30 points) – Collect 10 Ace Medals in Elimination matches online.Elimination Medal (30 points) – Collect 10 Elimination Medals in Team Elimination matches online.Conqueror Medal (30 points) – Collect 10 Conqueror Medals in Post Grab matches online.Hunting Medal (30 points) – Collect 10 Hunting Medals in Fugitive matches online.Grand Slam (30 points) – Collect all four types of medals in matches online.Online Master (50 points) – Reach level 50 in online battle.Chain Killer (50 points) – Waste 10 opponents in a row without dying in online battle.Head Hunter (50 points) – Head shot 50 enemies in online battle.Mission 02 Cleared (10 points) – Beat Mission 02″STORM” Explorer (10 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 02.Mission 03 Cleared (10 points) – Beat Mission 03.”MIRAGE” Explorer (10 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 03.Mission 04 Cleared (10 points) – Beat Mission 04.”METEOR” Explorer (10 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 04.Mission 05 Cleared (15 points) – Beat Mission 05.”AURORA” Explorer (15 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 05.Mission 06 Cleared (15 points) – Beat Mission 06.”THUNDER” Explorer (15 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 06.Mission 07 Cleared (15 points) – Beat Mission 07.”TORNADO” Explorer (15 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 07.Mission 08 Cleared (20 points) – Beat Mission 08.”VOLCANO” Explorer (20 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 08.Mission 09 Cleared (20 points) – Beat Mission 09.”RAINBOW” Explorer (20 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 09.Mission 10 Cleared (20 points) – Beat Mission 10.”BLIZZARD” Explorer (20 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 10.Mission 11 Cleared (30 points) – Beat Mission 11.”STARDUST” Explorer (30 points) – Find all target marks in Mission 11.Master Pioneer (50 points) – Collect all the target coins in each game variant.Online Century (50 points) – Log more than 100 online matches.Extreme Soldier (150 points) – Beat all eleven missions in Extreme mode.