Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding case-sensitive codes:CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODEAll jerseys, stadiums, teams, arcade games, and cheats that can be purchased. This unlocks six of the first seven skybox cheats. – “Derek Jeter”Topps 2K6 All-stars – “Dream Team”Rocket arms – “Gotcha”Crazy pitches – “Unhittable”Bouncy ball – “Crazy HopsSuper wall climbs – “Last Chance”Easy tokens:To easily gain tokens, make a Created Player for every position and set their stats to maximum. Then, add them all to the same team and start a franchise with that team. Simulate the entire season to receive around 5,000 tokens. Repeat as desired.Easy perfect game:To easily win a perfect game, play a game in exhibition mode using two controllers. If you have a profile then you will be credited with a perfect game, and you will also earn tokens.Cheap created players: To sign a created player for cheap, sign them to the maximum term of seven years. Then, change their abilities, position etc.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKOffensive Explosion (300 points) – Score twenty runs in one game on the “Pro” or higher difficulty setting.Robbery! (150 points) – Make a wall climb catch to rob a homerun.Super Slugger (200 points) – Hit three homeruns in one game with the same player on the “Pro” or higher difficulty setting.Thief (150 points) – Steal five bases in one game on the “Pro” or higher difficulty setting.Unhittable (200 points) – Strikeout fifteen batters with one pitcher in one game on the “Pro” or higher difficulty setting.