Category – Xbox Cheats
Level select:To play any level, hold the Command Option buttons and select “Begin New Game”. Then, type the level number you wish to play.Gamerpics:Unlock the following Gamerpics by performing the corresponding tasks:GAMERPIC – HOW TO UNLOCKMarathon logo Gamerpic – Earn the “11th Clan of the S’pht” achievement.Vidmaster Gamerpic – Earn the the “VidMaster” achievementAchievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKSEVEN (7 points) – Get seven fist kills.Bob-B-Q (14 points) – They’re Everywhere!11th Clan of the S’pht (27 points) – Venture into the Citadel and learn the secrets of the S’pht.Pfhor the Win (42 points) – Beat Single-player mode.Tastes Like Chicken (10 points) – Get 20 Tozt-7 kills in a Multiplayer game.Pfhor Score and Seven Years Ago (10 points) – Win a Multiplayer game.I’m Invincible! (10 points) – Kill an invincible opponent with the Fusion Pistol in a Multiplayer game.Make Someone Pay (10 points) – Get 20 Rocket Launcher kills in a Multiplayer game.Bigger Guns Nearby (14 points) – Find the Assault Rifle in a Single player or Co-Op Game, it will let you kill more Pfhor.Hats off to 819 (21 points) – The secret of 2401 lies within.VidMaster (35 points) – I give no secrets.World Domination (0 points) – You want to join the 7th Column? King Pfhor A Day (10 points) – Outscore all other players (at least 3) combined in a King Of The Kill or Kill The Man With The Ball match. Thing What Kicks (20 points) – Kill a Juggernaut in Survival and live to tell the tale. You Think You’re Big Time (20 points) – Win a multiplayer game with at least 4 players in every map in the Total Carnage Netmap Pack.