Category – Xbox Cheats
Juggernaut permanent power up:Activate Juggernaut’s power up, then tag him out before attacking. The power up will never wear off.Switch glitch:While
the versus screen is loading, hold down an assist button to switch a
fighter to the first position on your team. Just before the fight
begins, hold down an attack button. When the match starts, you will
perform the attack without having to time it.Bonus characters:In Score Attack mode, defeat Abyss to unlock bonus characters in the “?” boxes on the left and right side of the screen.Abyss’ first stage: To unlock Abyss’ first stage in Training and VS. mode, defeat Abyss in Arcade and Score Attack mode.Use same character x3: To unlock the ability to use three of the same character, unlock all characters and costumes.Evil Sakura and Zhangfei:To unlock Evil Sakura and Zhangief, press Back, Down, Down Back LK.Cheaper hidden fighters:To lower the price of hidden fighters, repeatedly exit and enter the shop until they go down.Change team order:The
order of your fighters will appear before a versus match, with “1”,
“2”, or “3”. You can select the 1st and 2nd fighters of your team, and
thus change the entire team order. To select the 1st fighter, press LP
LK for the character marked “1”, MP MK for the character marked “2”,
or HP HK for the character marked “3”. Then, press the same button
combos to select the 2nd fighter. Finally, press Start.How to defeat Abyss:Select
Cable. For Abyss’ first form, just block his attacks and then
continuously press [Shoot] until he dies. For his second form, stay
distant and continuously shoot until he dies. For his third form, use
Cable’s Hyper Viper. It takes off 90-95% of his life in one blast and
will be a 115-130 hit combo. Then, just hit him once or twice with any
attack to defeat him.Choose Megaman, Cable, and Cyclops. At
Abyss, use Megaman then jump behind him and shoot. During his second
form, use Megaman and continuously shoot him. You should have a level
three power bar by now. At Abyss’ third form, wait. He will always dive
down before attacking. When he reappears, do a Triple Hyper combo. If
the game is set on very easy and high damage, Abyss should die in one
hit.Unlocking characters:To unlock all the
characters, you must use your most recently received characters at least
once in arcade mode to continue unlocking new ones. Akuma: Demon Rage:To peform Akuma’s Demon Rage move, when at level 3, press LP(2), Right, LK, HP.Cable: How to defeat Son Son:When Son Son does her super into a big monkey, quickly do Cable’s Hyper Viper on her. It will cause 50%-75% damage.Cable: Taunt:Keep pressing [Taunt] when you are Cable to make him spin his pistol.Dan: Super Taunt:Note:
This takes one level of your HC Gauge. While holding LK, perform two
quarter circles Forward, then press Start. It does no damage, but is
funny to watch. It is basically two and a quarter circles and the Taunt
button.Dan: Otoko-Michi:If you have at least three or
more gauges, press HP, LK, Back, LP, LP . He will then imitate Akuma’s
Shungokusatsu. If successful, all your life will be depleted, leaving
you with a one hitter.Dhalsim: Control Yoga Flame:Choose
Dhalsim and any other two characters. Get the H.C. meter gauge higher
then level 1, then do Dhalsim’s Yoga Flame. To change the direction of
the flame, press Up or Down.Hayato: Combos:Use the following combos.Thirteen-Hit
Plasma-Sword Combo: Get your hyper gauge to level one. Jump in deep,
press LP, while still in the air press LK,LP, LK, HP, Down, Down/Right,
HP, Down, Down/Right [LP, HP] for seven hits. Dark Knight: Get
your special bar up to three, then press LP, HP, Back, LK, HK quickly.
Do this when no more than half a screen away from your opponent. This
special can take up to one half life alone. Hayato has three
basic combo skills that can be used in the game. No combo gauges will be
used when the skills are used. Either press Left, LP, LP, LP, LP; or
Left, LP, LP, LP, HK, LP, LP; or Left, HP, LP, HP, HP, HP. Ryu: Shinku-Shoryu-ken:Play
as Ryu on his recommended support type and get up to three hyper combo
gauges. Then, press Quarter Circle Forward twice and R (or two Punch
buttons). Ryu should perform a powerful electrical element Sho-Ryu-Ken,
taking life down to about % health. Note: The range for this attack
must be very close up. It does not have as much forward momentum as a
normal Sho-Ryu-Ken, but goes twice as high. It is not wise to use this
move on its own. It is recommended that this move be used in a combo or
when you are positive it will make contact.San San: One hit kill on Spider-Man:Use San San’s Eating special and have the damage on high.Tyrant: Blow him up:Send
out the Tyrant. After he is done with his combo and starts yelling,
press the combo for her rocket launcher and he will explode.Wolverine: Longer Berserker Claw:When
playing as Wolverine and you are about to yse Berserker Claw, execute
it with HP and tap it repeatedly. Note: The attack will not work every
time you execute a Berserker Claw in fight. After doing a Berserker
Claw, wait awhile, then do it again. It will not work two times in a
row.Stronger combos:Delayed combos are usually more
powerful than team hyper combos, though they are much more difficult to
perform due to timing it to where you get the maximum power. For
example, with Megaman, War Machine, and Iron Man, if you do their team
combo it will do about a 40 to 60 hit combo; On the other hand, if you
do each of their combos delayed and execute it correctly, you should be
able to get from 75 to over 100 hits with one solid shot. In order to do
a delayed Hyper Combo, have your first character do their combo. Then
as they are doing the Hyper Combo execute your next character’s Hyper
Combo. Then while that one is executing, use your third character’s
Hyper Combo. It is all about timing and may require some practice.200-hit combo:Choose
B.B. Hood, Cable, and Iron Man, and get your level 3 hyper combo. Wait
until your opponent gets a striker out, then use the hyper combo. The
combo should do at least 150-220 hits.407-hit combo:This
trick only works if you are using three Iron Men and the opponents bust
out a level 3 Hyper Combo and it misses; and all three characters are
in the same location. Have at least three levels on your super combo.
Get close and press LP(2) then activate your level 3 super. This combo
under these circumstances will hit for a minimum of 405 hits, and more
for larger characters.3 team hyper combo variations:When
you select a person’s support type, you also change the type of hyper
combo they use. For example, if you select Ryu’s recommended support
type (projectile) and Akuma’s reccommended support type (anti-air) and
Megaman’s type (projectile), when you use your 3 man hyper combo, Ryu
will shoot his Shinku-Hadou-Ken, Megaman will use his Hyper Megaman, but
Akuma will use his Metsatsu-Tetsumaki-Sennpu-Ryu-Ken (electrified
hurricane kick). However if you change it to projectile type, Ryu will
do his Hadou Ken, Megaman will do his Hyper Megaman, and Akuma will
instead use his Metsatsu-Go-Hadou, thus making an all projectile hyper
combo. Experiment with each mode to see which ones work best. A good way
to get the most out of a projectile hyper combo is to have Captain
Commando with his recommended support type. Because most beam attacks
can easily be avoided by jumping, Captain Commando’s “Captain Sword”
will cover the entire playing field, effectively pushing your opponent
down into your beam attacks, even if blocking. By using this strategy
you can do as much damage as possible, even if the opponent dodges the
brunt of the attack.Unlimited chain supers:Note: This
trick only works in training mode. Set the combo gauge to infinity in
the training menu. Then, start a super and start another one. This can
be done an unlimited amount of times. This works best with characters
who have beam supers.Easy points:To get easy points in Training mode, leave the game on for five hours.
Do not pause the game. You will get 10 points every minute.Insert
a second controller, go to options, change the time to 30 seconds, and
turn up the damage. Go to versus mode, turn the handicap down on
controller two, and fight. You will get 100 points for each match.To
get easy points in arcade mode, fight up to Abyss in any difficulty on
high damage. Your best difficulty setting is recommended. Once at Abyss,
intentionally die on purpose multiple times. Continue, then die again.
You will get 100 points every time a continue is used. When you finally
choose to defeat Abyss, you will also get 50 points times the difficulty
setting.In order, choose Cable, War Machine, and Iron Man. When
your point bar gets to the maximum, make them use their combo. This
combo defeats your opponent in almost one move.Unlockable characters:The following characters can be unlocked in the game:FeliciaMegamanCaptain CommandoWolverine (metal claws)Shuma GorathThanosDanWar MachineKenB.B. HoodSilver SamuraiSabretoothCharlieAkumaGambitBlackheartDhalsimJinJuggernautSpiralM.BisonMorriganMagentoColossusCammyIron ManServbotRollChun LiOmega RedStormSentinelAchievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKMega Buster (10 points) – Win 50 Ranked Matches online.#1 in the Hood (20 points) – Win 100 Ranked Matches online.I Am Doom (20 points) – Defeat opponent in under 15 seconds in Multiplayer mode.Hyakuretsu Kyaku (10 points) – Perform a 100 hit combo in Multiplayer mode.Berserker Barrage (20 points) – Perform a 200 hit combo in Multiplayer mode.Shun Goku Satsu (10 points) – Perform a 3 part hyper combo in Multiplayer mode.The Best There Is (At What I Do) (50 points) – Perform 50 One Character Victories within 20 unique teams in a Ranked match.Get Out Of Here!!! (10 points) – Perform 10 snapbacks within 20 unique teams in a Ranked match.Avengers Assemble! (20 points) – Beat the game with Avengers theme team in Arcade mode.Vampire Saviors (10 points) – Beat the game with Darkstalkers theme team in Arcade mode.Uncanny Heroes (10 points) – Beat the game with X-Men theme team in Arcade mode.World Warriors (10 points) – Beat the game with Street Fighter theme team in Arcade mode.