Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheaper players:To lower the price of your players contracts,
near the end of the season lower all of their ratings and then resign
them for less than what you were previously paying them.Easier goals:On breakaways, hold Speedburst and Square then shoot while at an angle to goal.Avoid bad phone calls:To
avoid the possibility of receiving a bad phone call, save the game
before answering the call. If it is a bad call, reload the saved game
file and try again. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKBreak Out (10 points) – Score a goal on a breakaway on Amateur difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Can’t Keep Me Down (50 points) – Score a goal when 2 men down on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Revenge (50 points) – Score a penalty shot on All-Star difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Fast Start (50 points) – Score a goal in the first minute of play on All-Star difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Blueline Tally (25 points) – Score a goal with a defenseman on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Champions (50 points) – Win the Stanley Cup in Franchise on Pro difficulty or higher.Dominance (75 points) – Win Stanley Cup and Presidents Trophy in the same year in Franchise on Pro difficulty or higher.Dynasty (100 points) – Win 3 Stanley Cups in a row in Franchise on Pro difficulty or higher.Brick Wall (75 points) – Record 5 consecutive shutouts in Franchise mode on Pro difficulty or higher.No Mercy! (65 points) – Win a game by 10 or more goals on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game.No Favorites (50 points) – Play a game with every NHL team.Miracle! (25 points) – Beat USSR 80 with USA 80 on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Starry Night (10 points) – Earn all 3 stars on Rookie difficulty or higher in a single-player game.Are We There Yet? (150 points) – Win 100 games.Online Champion (115 points) – Win an online league with at least 8 players.Online Gamer (100 points) – Play 30 ranked matches online.Quitter! (0 points) – Quit 10 games online.