Category – Xbox Cheats
Gold hints:-To collect unlimited amounts of gold, after defeating the Spider Boss in Everlight Temple use the elevator to get out. Unlock the Netherworld Gate to this zone, then return and open the secret room upstairs using the Overlord switch. There are treasure chests inside this room that will give you around 1000 gold every time you visit. Warp to another gate to reset the map, then return to collect it again. Repeat as desired.-Enslave both Nordberg and Everlight for large chests of gold that spawn when the area is reset. Then, teleport between the two locations to collect from both of them and reset the other area for your return. Each set of chests has at least 1,000 gold. Note: You must completely dominate a town to get 1,000 gold from the chest spawning sites. All 100 citizens must be enslaved–for each 10 citizens not enslaved, 100 gold will be subtracted.-After the assault on Empire City, return there to find no troops, several boxes with the highest grade armor and weapons, and over 2,000 gold per visit.Easy magic crystals:To get easy magic crystals on the “Repair the Tower Heart” quest, after collecting the tower heart sharts and returning to Faye, go to the last sanctuary in the Wasteland. In the room with the heart that is wedged in a gnome hole, position ten brown minions at the bottleneck near the Netherworld portal and 5 red minions behind them, then move the heart. Gnomes will start coming out of the hole and attack you, but will run into your minions. Collect all the crystals they drop.Easy dominance:In order to dominate a town, you must enslave at least 50% of the town. Enslave 60 villages and kill the rest for easy dominance.Free items:After the Assault on Empire city, return to find high grade armor and weapons, and 2,000 gold.Lifeforce hints:-Note: By the time you get to this area you should have picked up two Forge Stones. Go to Forge and buy the Evil Eye Helmet, which gives you two Lifeforce instead of one for each collected. Go to the area where you need to recover the Green Hive. While making your way out with it, you will reach an area with two big opponents that shoot the blue beam gun. One will be roaming up top while the other stands next to a wheel to open the door next to him. In the same room is a floor plate that releases the gnomes behind a cage door. Release the gnomes and use them to help you kill the both of the blue beam gun opponents. After they are dead, return to the gnome cage and open it again. They will keep respawning. Try setting yourself near the top of the stairs going down while facing toward the cage. Then, send out your minions. While they are out hunting, set your controller to keep sending out minions. When not killing, they are collecting Lifeforce at double the rate due to the helmet.-After acquiring the green hive, return to Everlight fortress. Get at least ten reds and whatever minions of the other colors desired, then go to the center of the courtyard where you hear the gnomes. Place the reds at the bottom of the stairs facing the gnome’s prison, then activate the switch to let them out. The gnomes will run out but will be scared of the reds and move back. About five or six gnomes will run out at a time. Allow the reds to scare them into the corner. After a while, when you think there are a reasonable amount of gnomes, send the rest of the horde up there to finish them off fast. Some might get past you–either let them go or track them down and end them. You will only receive reds, browns, and green life forces. If done correctly, you should have no problem with dispatching the 1,000 gnomes and will never have to worry about running low on your favorite color minions.Getting more minions hint:When you domain minions, leave one or more minions in the Minion Tower. This way, your minions will automatically spawn into their spawning pit. If you domain all of your minions, the automatic spawning will be disabled.Completing the Devourer sections:Complete the following Devourer sections by performing the corresponding tasks:First Devourer section hint:Get about 40 reds and 10 blues, then let the blues clean up the place of all the slime and let your reds attack the Devourer. When he leaves, clean up the slime with the blues by dragging them over it.Second Devourer section hint:Get 15 browns and kill all the soldiers on the right. Let the browns kill the archers, then go to the far left corner from the entrance and kill the remaining archers with your browns. Return to exchange your browns for 40 reds and 10 blues, then put 20 reds (on a banner) on each of the two plateaus and wait until the Devourer leaves for the third part. Then, clean up the slime with the blues.Last Devourer section hint:Get 40 reds and 10 blues, then put four groups of ten reds on the following strategic locations (on the balcony in front of the beast; down the stairs on the left side of the beast; behind the beast; on the right side of the beast). Drag around your blues to prevent the spread of the slime. Do this while standing to the right of the stairs to get to Solarius quickly when he is regurgitated by the beast to drain him with your evil presence spell.Finding more people hint:There are 100 people in Nordberg and Everlight. Additionally there are approximately 50 people wandering through the towns, as well as others found by breaking down the doors of the houses.”Gnome Grinder” achievement hint:After collecting all of the Tower Heart shards, take it to Queen Fay so she can repair it. After the cinematic, take the Tower Heart to the sanctuary dungeon to power it up with the shrines. After charging the Tower Heart at the first shrine, you, your minions, and the Tower Heart will fall. When you find the Tower Heart, it will be sitting on top of a gnome hole that spawns an unlimited amount of gnomes. Position all your minions next to the hole by using the guard marker and, when you have your minions where you want them, remove five minions so that you can move the Tower Heart to a safe location. When you think the Tower Heart is out of you way, put all your minions on top of the gnome hole. The gnomes will die as they jump out of the hole. Walk back to the Netherworld Gate, but do not go into the gate. This will require about twenty minutes. Note: Do not get too close to the gnome hole or else the gnomes will run past your minions and attach themselves to you.”Perfect Horde” achievement hint:When dominating towns completely, maximize the attack power of your horde by using the weapons produced by the villagers. Get the maximum horde size of 50 minions and reach maximum attack power to unlock the “Perfect Horde” achievement.”Gnome Grinder”, “Minion Hoarder”, “Minion Lover” achievements hint:When starting the mission to search for the Green Minions, you must sneak into a castle using your Minions. While you are in there, you will discover a couple pressure plates that release gnomes as a distraction to the enemies. However, as long as there are still enemies in the castle, the gnomes will continue to spawn. This allows you to not only get the 1,000 kills of a gnome quickly, but you will also be collecting crystals, gold, and Lifeforce orbs while doing so.”Ladies’ Man” achievement hint:In unlock the Ladies’ Man achievement, you must purchase two items for each lady — one for the private chambers and the other in the throne room. You also have to have the Overlord Banner. For example:For yourself: Overlord BannerFor Lady A: Bed ThroneFor Lady B: Curtains StatuesFor Lady C: Candles AlcovesAchievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKRescuer of Kelda (15 points) – Rescue Kelda from Nordberg.Tyrant of Nordberg (25 points) – Complete full Tyranny over Nordberg through either Domination or Destruction.Industrious Magic (10 points) – Achieve 50 kills by overcharging your Evil Presence Spell.Big Chopper (10 points) – Achieve 50 melee kills.Red Rescuer (10 points) – Find the Red Minions.Green Grabber (10 points) – Find the Green Minions.Blue Bringer (10 points) – Find the Blue Minions.The Dominator (40 points) – Achieve a 100% Domination Tyranny rating.The Destructor (40 points) – Achieve a 100% Destruction Tyranny rating.Scrooge (20 points) – Collect 50,000 gold.Juno’s Special Friend (20 points) – Buy gifts for Juno and woo her into becoming your ‘special’ friend.Dark Fay’s Special Friend (20 points) – Buy giftsfor Dark Fay and woo her into becoming your ‘special’ friend.Ghost Fay’s Special Friend (20 points) – Buy gifts for Ghost Fay and woo her into becoming your ‘special’ friend.Snatcher (10 points) – Win one Pirate Plunder map.Pillager (20 points) – Win ten Pirate Plunder maps.Conqueror (10 points) – Win one Dominate map.The Big D (20 points) – Win ten Dominate maps.Adversary (20 points) – Kill an opposing Overlord 20 times in ranked versus matches.Armed and Dangerous (10 points) – Forge one weapon.Blue Steel Look (10 points) – Forged the Elemental helmet and armor.Minion Captain (10 points) – Rescue all the Minion crew from the spider webs.Weapons Nut (20 points) – Forge three weapons.Kitted Out (20 points) – Forge the Infernal helmet and armor .Mayhem Maker (10 points) – Cause mayhem during the Prelude.Minion Harvester (10 points) – Gather 10 Lifeforce orbs.Minion Gatherer (20 points) – Gather 250 Lifeforce orbs.Minion Hoarder (25 points) – Gather 1000 Lifeforce orbs.Minion Lover (30 points) – Gather 5000 Lifeforce orbs.Town Razer (15 points) – Destroy one Town.Walking Apocalypse (30 points) – Destroy both Nordberg and Everlight.Slaver (15 points) – Enslave one Town.New World Order (30 points) – Enslave both Nordberg and Everlight. Juno’s Champion (15 points) – Juno has become your Mistress.Corruptor of the Queen (15 points) – Dark Fay has become your Mistress.Kelda’s Special Friend (20 points) – Kelda is now your “special” friend.Tyrant of Everlight (25 points) – Through Domination or Destruction you are now the Tyrant of Everlight.Seal Slayer (20 points) – Kill 100 baby seals.Dark Emperor (30 points) – Kill Solarius.Perfect Horde (30 points) – Fully updgrade your Minion Horde.Master Builder (15 points) – Build 50% of the Tower buildables.Tyrant of the Tower (30 points) – Build 100% of the Tower buildables.Treasure Hunter (50 points) – Get all the Tower Objects in the game.Crystal Collector (15 points) – Collect 50% of all Dark Crystals.Ultimate Collector (30 points) – Collect 100% of all Dark Crystals.Mount Master (20 points) – Discover and used all Minion Mounts in the game.Gnome Grinder (20 points) – You’ve killed 1000 gnomes.Rock On (20 points) – You’ve killed 15 or more enemies with a single Catapult boulder.Ladies’ Man (40 points) – You and your Mistresses have found a way to get along splendidly.Ghost Bringer (20 points) – Ghost Fay has become your Mistress.