Category – Xbox Cheats
Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at the specified screen:CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODEBoth players can select the same character – Press Down, RT, Up, LT, Y, B at the title screen.Blood mode – Press A, B, A, B, A, B(2) at the title screen.Scott’s Heart Sword – Press X(3), A, B, A, Y at the title screen.Sound test – Press LB(3), RB(3), LB, RB at the “Leaderboards” screen.Coin sprites changed to animal sprites – Press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4) at the title screen.Zombie mode – Press Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right(3) at the title screen.Boss Rush mode – Press Right(2), B, RB, Right(2), B, RB at the title screen. Unlockable characters:Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding tasks:CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKNega-Scott – Complete the game as Kim, Stills, Ramona, and Scott.Mr. Chau – When you see Mr. Chau on a random stage, go to that stage to fight him. Defeat him to unlock him as a striker.Mobile’s secret house:Get the key in level 6 and fight some wolverines. Look for the small house in the background with a path. Keep walking along the top of the screen and to enter a secret path. Note: Mobile sells a special training manual for $57.50 that unlocks a special move.Wallace Wells’ secret shop:Go to the shopping district in the Frozen Suburbs. Locate the ramp that leads down down to an underpass. Go to the star painted on the rear wall. A cement panel will open, allowing you to access a shop that sells expensive powerful items.Hidden money and shortcut:At the start of level 5, “The Party”, move backwards to the door with the star to access a secret Subspace Highway. You will collect money and exit the highway past the halfway point of the level.Video store items:Pay the $504.25 fine at the video store to unlock the corresponding items for purchase for $4.95. Note: After leaving the store you will have to pay the fine again to reenter.ITEM – DESCRIPTIONThe Mystical Head – Extra life, maximum of nine.Seven Shaolin Masters – Gives 100 XP, 10 DEF, 10 SPD, 10 WP, 10 STR.Alien vs. T-Rex – Gives 20 STR.Alone And Disturbed – Gives 1,500 experience points.I Love Your Boyfriend – Gives 320 XP, 15 DEF, 15 WP.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKNew Challenger (10 points) – Defeat Matthew Patel without losing a life. Twin Dragons (10 points) – Defeat the Twins simultaneously. Dirty Trick (10 points) – Defeat an enemy by throwing an object at him while he?s already down. Invulnerable (10 points) – Play through a World and reach the boss without getting hit. Get The Girl (10 points) – Clear the game once with Scott. The Power Of Friendship (20 points) – In a multiplayer game, reanimate another player at least 25 times. Gourmet (20 points) – Eat every food items. Vigilante (20 points) – Defeat all enemies in a World, excluding the boss. One Man Army (20 points) – Clear the game in single player on the ?Supreme Master? difficulty setting. Shopaholic (20 points) – Buy all the items of a shop. Armed And Dangerous (20 points) – Defeat at least 200 enemies using interactive objects. “Chaudown” (30 points) – Unlock and call all strikers.?
“Knives Chau” achievementsACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKIt’s All In The Reflexes (10 points) – Caught a flying object at least 25 times with Knives. Ninja Somersault (20 points) – Performed at least 10 consecutive head stomps successfully with Knives. Speed Run (20 points) – Cleared the game in 90 minutes or less with Knives.