Category – Xbox Cheats
Unlockables:Unlock the following bonuses by performing the corresponding tasks:BONUS – HOW TO UNLOCKAmy – Talk to her in the Casino as Sonic after finishing Sky Chase.Big – Defeat Chaos 6 as Sonic.E-102 Gamma – Defeat Gamma after finishing Sky Deck as Sonic or Tails. Alternately, finish Twinkle Park as Amy and watch the FMAs after it.Knuckles – Defeat him after finishing Ice cap as Sonic or Tails.Miles Tails Prower – Finish the C mission of Emerald Coast action stage as Sonic.Play Emerald Course in chao race – Beat the rest of the four courses.Super Sonic – Succesfully complete the game as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big and E-102 Gamma. Super Sonic will be avaliable only in Adventure Mode.Easy rings for Black Market:After obtaining the Light Shoes (and Crystal Ring to speed up the process), go to the Casino area and step on the button to make the rings appear. You can do this repeatedly for more starting rings. Note: The ring limit can exceed 999, but you cannot tell exactly how many you have. Listen for the extra life sound to keep track of them. When you are satisfied, go to Emerald Coast and complete the level without getting hit. You will be awarded with however many rings you collected at the end. Go to the Chao Garden, then the Black Market, and spend your hard earned coins.Chao puzzle:You must have 3 controllers and the 3rd one must have a memory card for this to work. Start up the game with all 3 controllers plugged in and get into Adventure mode as any character. Now press START on the 3rd controller. Something on the memory card’s screen will come up saying “CHAO PUZZLE”. Press START again to begin. It is a 3×3 slider puzzle with a random animated Chao doing something for a picture. Use the D-Pad to select the piece you want to move and press A to move it into the open area. You can also move two pieces at once. Press B for a different puzzle. Press START again to quit. There are 15 levels and every 5 you complete there is a congratulatory message from a Chao. After you beat the 15th it will start you at level 1 again.Clean Pause (any mode):Pause the game and hold X Y to clear the game of the pause screen.Hidden Sonic Adventure Art:You can find some cool hidden Sonic Adventure arts made by SonicTeam themselves by putting the GD-ROM inside the computer’s CD-ROM drive. Access the folder inside it and view the .bmp pictures there.”DX” Metal Sonic:In the “DX” expansion pack, unlock Metal Sonic by collecting 130 Emblems, then select Trial mode and choose Action Stage.Avatar Awards:Unlock the following Avatar Awards by performing the corresponding tasks:AVATAR AWARD – HOW TO UNLOCKSonic’s Hi-Speed Shoes – Play for 10 hours. Vintage Sonic T-shirt – Play for 5 hours. Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKMiles “Tails” Prower (10 points) – Become friends with Tails. Knuckles the Echidna (10 points) – Become friends with Knuckles. Amy Rose (10 points) – Become friends with Amy. E-102 “?” (10 points) – Become friends with E-102. Big the Cat (10 points) – Become friends with Big. Sonic the Hedgehog (10 points) – Clear the Sonic story. Super Sonic (20 points) – Clear all characters stories. The Fastest