Category – Xbox Cheats
Grade shop bonuses:Achieve the following grades in your first
playthrough to unlock the corresponding bonuses in the Grade shop on
your second playthrough.GRADE – BONUS10 Grade – Increase max TP(All characters start with 20% less max TP than usual).10 Grade – 1/2 experience (Reduces the experience earned in battle by half).10 Grade – Decrease max HP (All characters start with 20% less max HP than usual).10 Grade – Collector’s book (Keep all collector’s book data).10 Grade – Craft skill (Keep synthesis skill level).10 Grade – Enemy book (Keep all enemy book data).10 Grade – Recipes (Keep all recipes learned).10 Grade – Records (Keep all data from the record menu).50 Grade – Cooking skill (Keep all characters cooking skill levels).50 Grade – Unlock battle rank (Unlocks unknown difficulty mode).50
Grade – Battle techniques (Reduces the normal amount of experience
earned in battle to 1, but multiplies bonus experience earned from large
combos by 5).300 Grade – World map (Keep world map data).350 Grade – Artes