Category – Xbox Cheats
Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKClear 5 Lines (10 points) – Complete five lines during a Single-Player or Online Multi-player game.Reach Level 5 (10 points) – Reach or exceed level five in a Single-Player game of Marathon.Tetris! (10 points) – Beat four lines at once.T-Spin (10 points) – Rotate the T-Tetrimino into a T-Slot to perform a one or two line clear.Rainbow (10 points) – Use at least one Mino from each of the seven Tetriminos to clear a single line.Combo (20 points) – Beat one or more lines with successive pieces to increase your Combo count above eight.Online Rookie (20 points) – Win a “Free for All” match in Online Multi-player.Online Back-to-Back (20 points) – Score a Back-to-Back Tetris in Online Multi-player.Online Expert (20 points) – Accumulate at least ten hours of Online Multi-player game play.All-in-One (20 points) – Perform a Single, Double, Triple, Tetris, T-Spin Single, T-Spin Double, and 8 Combo in one game.Speedster (25 points) – Beat a Single-Player game of Marathon in 20 minutes or less.Old School (25 points) – Beat a Single-Player game of Marathon without using the Hold Queue.