XBOX Game Cheats

XBox 360 – Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter Cheats

Category – Xbox Cheats

Cheat Codes:Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding sequences of buttons at the specified screen: CHEAT FUNCTION – CHEAT CODEMission select – At the mission selection screen, while holding LT RT Back, slowly press Y, RB, Y, RB, X.Scott Mitchell invincible – Pause the game, then while holding LT RT Back, slowly press Y(2), X, RB, X, LB.Team invincible – Pause the game, then while holding LT RT Back, slowly press X(2), Y, RB, Y, LB.100% health – Pause the game, then while holding LT RT Back, slowly press LB(2), RB, X, RB, Y.Infinite ammunition – Pause the game, then while holding LT RT Back, slowly press RB(2), LB, X, LB, Y.Unlockable weapons:To unlock the Falcon weapon, destroy 100 helicopters in Multiplayer mode.To unlock the Sniper Rifle, get 500 head shots in Multiplayer mode.Warfighter difficulty:Complete the game to unlock the Warfighter difficulty setting.Belly slide:To perform a slide on your stomach, while running click and hold the Left Analog-stick.Extra ammunition:To gain ammunition, walk over a firearm(same as the one you have equipped) laying on the ground to pick up it’s clip.Hiding behind walls:If you want to hide behind a wall in first person view, then you must hold Y. In third person view, you can simply Tap Y. Press up to look over a barrier while hiding.GRAW: FlyGo by the last seen spot of the V.I.P. Dive out in front of the car and switch to assault. Call the team to regroup and go forward while lying down to fly a few inches above the ground.”Assault On Norad”: Invisible rocket launcher:After killing Carlos Ontiveros, run towards where his body fell and pick up his rocket launcher. You will not be able to see it, but will still be able to use it.”Bulldog”: Ghost rocket launcher:On the “Bulldog” level, complete the first part and choose the antitank gunner when prompted to select your group. Kill the antitank gunner and his rocket launcher will disappear though you can still pick it up by walking over where he died.”Treasury”: Get on roof:To get on the roof in the “Treasury” level, equip your pistol or grenad to run faster. Run towards the back door and dive into it by running and clicking the Right Analog-Stick. Dive so your head hits the door and you should wind up on the roof. This also works on the level with the wall. You can dive into rooms on the end of the wall.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKComplete the training mission (25 points) – Beat the training mission.Heavyweight in multiplayer (24 points) – Get a total of 10,000 kills in multiplayer.Deadly in multiplayer (20 points) – Get 4 kills in 4 seconds or less in multiplayer.Unyielding in multiplayer (32 points) – Get 30 kills before being killed in multiplayer.Falcon in multiplayer (16 points) – Shoot down 100 helicopters in multiplayer.Sniper in multiplayer (36 points) – Get a career total of 500 head shots in multiplayer.Committed in multiplayer (28 points) – Play for 8 hours straight in multiplayer.Master of Ceremonies (24 points) – Host at least 1000 matches.Coop 1-1 (8 points) – Win missions in the cooperative campaign.Coop 1-2 – Win missions in the cooperative campaign.Coop 1-3 (8 points) – Win missions in the cooperative campaign.Coop 1-4 (8 points) – Win missions in the cooperative campaign.World Champion in multiplayer (40 points) – Climb to the top of the universal leaderboard.Solo champion in multiplayer (32 points) – Climb to the top of the solo leaderboard.Team champion in multiplayer (32 points) – Climb to the top of the team leaderboard.Reach Ramirez under normal (25 points) – Reach Captain Ramirez’s position.Secure Ballantine under normal (25 points) – Secure the U.S. President.Escort Ruiz-Pena under normal (25 points) – Escort the Mexican President to U.S. Embassy.Neutralize Rebel Outpost under normal (25 points) – Neutralize a rebel outpost blocking the highway.Eliminate defenses under normal (25 points) – Eliminate Chapultepek castle defenses.Secure U.S. tanks under normal (25 points) – Take control of 50 U.S. tanks stolen by rebels.Protect U.S. President under normal (25 points) – Locate and protect U.S. President.Reach the Football under normal (25 points) – Reach the Football’s location.Clear the way under normal (25 points) – Clear access to rebel HQ.Capture Ontiveros under normal (25 points) – Capture General Ontiveros alive.Locate the Football under normal (25 points) – Take the Football back from Carlos Ontiveros.Reach Ramirez under hard (25 points) – Reach Captain Ramirez’s position.Secure Ballantine under hard (25 points) – Secure the U.S. President.Escort Ruiz-Pena under hard (25 points) – Escort the Mexican President to U.S. Embassy.Neutralize rebel outpost under hard (25 points) – Neutralize a rebel outpost blocking the highway.Eliminate defenses under hard (25 points) – Eliminate Chapultepek castle defenses.Secure U.S. tanks under hard (25 points) – Take control of 50 U.S. tanks stolen by rebels.Protect U.S. President under hard (25 points) – Locate and protect the U.S. President.Reach the Football under hard (25 points) – Reach the Football’s location.Clear the way under hard (25 points) – Clear access to rebel HQ.Capture Ontiveros under hard (25 points) – Capture General Ontiveros alive.Locate the Football under hard (25 points) – Take the Football back from Carlos Ontiveros.Perfect Chapter 1 in multiplayer (40 points) – Beat all primary and secondary objectives in Chapter 1.Explorer in multiplayer (20 points) – Win 5 Team or Solo matches on each original MP map with at least 5 different Gamertags in the room.Victor in multiplayer (10 points) – Win a public player match in all original game types with at least 5 different Gamertags in the room.Team Player in multiplayer (15 points) – Win 30 Co-Op matches with at least 6 Gamertags in the room.Assassin in multiplayer (15 points) – Find and kill an opponent with Assassin Achievement.Crack Shot in multiplayer (15 points) – Kill 10 players with gunshots and 5 Gamertags in the room without reloading or dying.

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