Category – Xbox Cheats
Inifinite Create a Fighter points:To max out your skills in Create a Fighter mode, preview a fighter and then toggle his stats on and then off. Select him and choose “Customize Attributes” to get 3024 points. Select “Finished” and after the game saves go back and repeat the process until all skills are at 100.SkyScrape:To unlock SkyScrape in Exhibition mode in the Middleweight class, go to the title screen and press up(3x), down, left, right, up.Mask:To unlock Mask in Exhibition mode in the Light Heavyweight class, win by tapout or submission three times in a row in Career mode.Punk Ass:To unlock Punk Ass in Exhibition mode in the Lightweight Class, get the Tapout Sponsorship in Career mode.Dana White:To unlock UFC President Dana White, knockout or submit out the following players:Anderson Silva – KnockoutBJ Penn – SubmitBrock Lesnar – KnockoutDemian Maia – SubmitFrank Mir – SubmitGeorge St. Pierre – SubmitKenny Florian – KnockoutQuinton Jackson – KnockoutBrock Lesnar:To unlock Brock Lesnar, go to the codes menu and enter “BROCKCHAMP” (case-sensitive).Openweight mode:To unlock Openweight mode, with the lowest ranked character, beat every fighter in their respective weightclass. In Openweight mode, any fighter can fight in any weightclass:Lowest ranked characters:CLASS – CHARACTERHeavyweight – Eddie SanchezLight-heavyweight – Kazuhiro NakumuraMiddleweight – Drew McFedriesWelterweight – Kyle BradleyLightweight – Kyle BradleyCredibility bonuses:SponsorsLEVEL – CREDIBILITYLevel 1 – 1,500 Credibility.Level 2 – 17,000 Credibility.Level 3 – 37,500 Credibility.Level 4 – 63,000 Credibility.Level 5 – 78,500 Credibility.Gym equipmentLEVEL – CREDIBILITYLevel 2 Training Equipment – 2,400 Credibility.Level 2 Training Equipment – 9,150 Credibility.Level 2 Training Equipment – 12,900 Credibility.Level 3 Training Equipment – 20,400 Credibility.Level 3 Training Equipment – 27,900 Credibility.Level 3 Training Equipment – 35,400 Credibility.Octagon Cage – 25,000 Credibility.Full-Size Octagon Cage – 50,000 Credibility.Sparring partnersLEVEL – CREDIBILITYLevel 2 Sparring Partner – 6,210 Credibility