Category – Xbox Cheats
God Hard mode:Complete the game to unlock God Hard mode.
Alternatively, rotate the Right Analog-stick twenty times at the title screen.Trial mode:Complete the game under the Normal difficulty to unlock Trial mode.Challenges:Unlock the following challenges by performing the corresponding tasks:CHALLENGE – HOW TO UNLOCKChallenge 1 – Complete Act 1. Challenge 2 – Complete Act 2. Challenge 3 – Complete Act 3. Challenge 4 – Complete Act 4. Challenge 5 – Complete Act 5. Challenge 6 – Complete all five challenges. Avoid losing weapon upgrades:To prevent losing some of your weapon upgrades after dying, choose to return to the title screen instead of retrying. Then continue the game from the title screen.Achievements:ACHIEVEMENT – HOW TO UNLOCKOne Day at DARPA (10 points) – Complete all DARPA training exercises. Space Normandy (15 points) – Complete Act 1. Storming Grand Hill (15 points) – Complete Act 2. I Don’t Speak Kreon! (15 points) – Complete Act 3. My Way (15 points) – Complete Act 4. End to Major Combat Operations (15 points) – Complete Act 5. Survivor (30 points) – Complete all Acts. Operation Overlord II (25 points) – Complete Act 1 on Hard difficulty or above. Ain’t Life Grand? (25 points) – Complete Act 2 on Hard difficulty or above. Cry on, Kreon! (25 points) – Complete Act 3 on Hard difficulty or above. The High Way (25 points) – Complete Act 4 on Hard difficulty or above. Mission Accomplished (25 points) – Complete Act 5 on Hard difficulty or above. ARS Operator (50 points) – Complete all Acts on Hard difficulty or above. Gun Runner (10 points) – Scan and acquire all weapons. King of the Hill (20 points) – Level a weapon up to maximum operational capability. Fight or Flight (10 points) – Manually trigger AR Mode and destroy an enemy robot. Adrenaline Rush (20 points) – Manually trigger AR Mode and destroy three enemy robots in a row. Going in for the Kill (10 points) – Destroy ten enemy robots with melee attacks. A Heartbreaker and Lifetaker (30 points) – Destroy 100 enemy robots with melee attacks. Helloooo, Nurse (5 points) – Revive a friendly troop. Knight in Shining White Armor (15 points) – Revive 20 friendly troops. Death Wish (20 points) – Destroy three enemy robots while in damage-triggered AR Mode. 40 Yard Dash (30 points) – Maintain a Boost dash to the limit of the ARS reactor without overheating. Home Run (10 points) – Destroy an incoming missile or grenade. Home Run God (10 points) – Destroy ten incoming missiles or grenades. Brutality Bonus (10 points) – Destroy a Romanov’s arms and legs, then finish it with a melee attack. Romanov This! (20 points) – Destroy a Romanov with a melee attack. The Hand of God (30 points) – Destroy two Romanovs in a row using only melee attacks. Robots Tend to Blow Up (10 points) – Destroy three enemy robots at once with one hand grenade. Hole-in-One (5 points) – Destroy a Chicane with a hand grenade. Short Circuit (20 points) – Destroy ten enemy robots that have been disabled with an EMP emitter. Two Birds with One Stone (20 points) – Destroy two or more enemy robots at once with the LFE gun. Trick Shot (20 points) – Destroy three enemy robots at once with rocket launcher splash damage. Flash! King of the Impossible (30 points) – Destroy four enemies simultaneously with the Lock-on Laser. Piece by Piece (20 points) – Destroy the arms, head, and back of an KNRB-0 Argus robot. That Ended Up Working Out Nicely (10 points) – After taking control of the enemy transport in Act 2-2, do not let a single enemy escape. Failure Breeds Success (15 points) – Destroy two Argus robots in Act 2-3 while they are in bipedal mode. Leibniz Defense Agency (10 points) – Defend the Pangloss statue in Act 3-2. Tightrope Walker (10 points) – Destroy two cannons in Act 3-3 and complete the mission. Fisher is the Other Sam (15 points) – Proceed on the monorail in Act 3-4 without being spotted by the enemy troops or searchlights. Flyswatter (20 points) – Destroy all the floating turrets in Act 3-4. Guardian (10 points) – Do not allow any friendly armor to be destroyed during Act 3-5. Hurry the #@$% Up! (10 points) – Destroy five or more enemy transports from atop the Kreon in Act 3-7. Civil Disobedience (30 points) – Ignore the elevator start order in Act 4-1. Instead, hold position and destroy all reinforcements. Buzzard Beater (30 points) – Destroy the Buzzard without allowing it to reach ground level in Act 5-1. Smoke ’em if ya got ’em! (30 points) – Destroy 10 enemies distracted by cigarettes during one mission. Auld Lang Syne (15 points) – Destroy two enemy robots who have been distracted by a cigarette. The Best of All Possible Worlds (30 points) – Find and fire upon all of the Pangloss statues hidden on the colony. Living Legend (50 points) – Complete the game without dying, regardless of difficulty level.