Category – Xbox Cheats
Atlantis stadium:
Hit a home run at Right Field in SBC (San Francisco)
Bobblehead team:
Hit ten home runs in a game.
Cheat Codes:
Enter these codes at the versus screen:
Unlimited Turbo: X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B, B, DOWN
Softball Mode: X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, DOWN.
Ball Is Rubber: X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, UP.
Max Out Speed: B, B, B, LEFT.
More Time After Each Play: X, Y, Y, B, B, B, LEFT.
Big Heads: X, X, RIGHT.
Tiny Heads: X, X, LEFT.
Max Out Batting: X, X, X, LEFT.
Max Out Power: Y, Y, Y, LEFT.
Coliseum stadium:
Hit a home run at Fenway (Boston Red Sox)
Eagles team:
Get walked three times in one game. To do this easily requires two controllers. Use controller two, choose any pitch, but throw a ball.
Easy home runs:
Press Power Swing. This works well in the homerun derby.
Empire stadium:
Hit a home run at Yankee Stadium (New York Yankees)
Extra time after plays:
Press Left, X, Y(2), B(3) at the versus screen. This mode allows you more time to beat up other players.
Extra time after plays:
Press Left, X, Y(2), B(3) at the versus screen. This mode allows you more time to beat up other players.
Fantasy team equivalents:
The following is a list of Fantasy teams and the real teams that each corresponds to.
Lions: Houston
Horse: Philadelphia
Pinto: Atlanta
Eagles: St. Louis
Gladiators: Boston
Bobble Head: Toronto
Dolphins: Florida
Scorpion: Arizona
Sub-Zero: Seattle
Evil Clowns: NY Yankees
Minotaur: San Francisco
Alien: Minnesota
Casey: Chicago Cubs
Fantasy Teams and Stadiums:
At the Title Screen or the Main Menu press Y, X, R to unlock all Fantasy Teams and Fantasy Stadiums.
Forbidden stadium:
Hit a home run at Pet Co (San Diego Padres)
Lions team:
Hit a home run at Comerica park with the Tigers.
Midway stadium:
Hit a home run at Wrigley Field (Chicago Cubs)
Monument stadium:
Hit a home run at Citzen’s Bank (Philadelphia Phillies)
Rocket Park stadium:
Hit a home run at Minute Made Park (Houston Astros)
Scorpion team:
Hit a home run with Sub Zero at Midway Park.
Sub Zero team:
Hit a home run at Midway Park.