TITLE Ghost Master: The Gravenville Chronicles
GENRE Strategy
DEVELOPER Sick Puppies
UK PUBLISHER Empire Interactive
NORDIC PUBLISHER Empire Interactive
Media Screenshots:
SCREENS ADDED: 01 Jan-2006
Official Fact Sheet:
Ghost Master puts the player in the role of a new Ghost Master; a spirit assigned the task of cleansing certain locations of all human activity. They will harness psychic energy, known as plasm to generate all manner of ghostly and psychic phenomena – literally scaring all the people away. The player makes use of the history of the site he or she is assigned to haunt, and gradually builds up enough plasm to summon ghosts and spirits from the Spirit World. These spirits help the player build up the Fear Factor, and eventually do drive away the mortals and achieve victory.
- Frightfully unique gameplay
- Thrills, scares, B-movie violence: but nobody gets killed
- Parodies of well known famous “splatter” movies
- Easy to play forget-the-manual interface
- Freeform real 3D camera which goes everywhere, even inside people
- Play it or watch it – It is a real world game